Gear Jack v1.1.1 full Edition.apk

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 21 September 2013 0 komentar
Gear Jack v1.1.1 full Edition.apk

Gear Jack
Gear Jack
Gear Jack apk
Gear Jack android
Gear Jack android


Help Jack escaping from the W.Hale, the first fully automated starship created by the humans. It was hit by a huge electromagnetic shockwave that is now slowly floating toward a black hole!
The entire robotic crew has gone crazy, and Jack is the only one that can save the ship from being destroyed! It will not be easy!
Gear Jack is a new and addictive Slide & Jump with a unique and cool visual style!
Beat 30 dangerous levels, avoid lethal traps and perform awesome tricks!
Progressing in the game you can customize Jack's attributes using the garage, adapting your play style to the level!

Size: 26 Mb
Required Android:2.3.3+
How To Run
-install APK
-Launch The Game (:


Judul: Gear Jack v1.1.1 full Edition.apk
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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